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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

City Council Orders April 20, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
1. Acting Mayor Todd McGee - letter reappointing Ms. Frances Welson to serve as a member of the Historical Commission Referred Public Service 5-26-21 Complied with Confirmed 6-1-21
2. City Clerk & Admin Asst. - City Council Minutes 4-6-21 Received Received 4-20-21
3. Tanya Wdowiak, City Auditor - General Fund & Sewer Enterprise Budget Reports through March 31, 2021 Referred Finance
4. Tanya Wdowiak, City Auditor - Grant Fund Balances Referred Finance
5. Tanya Wdowiak, City Auditor - Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) through March 31, 2021 Referred Finance
6. Aaron Vega Director, OPED -  Cannabis Industry Impact statement Referred Ordinance
7. Alicia Zoeller, Community Development - resolution for FFY2021 Annual Plan CDBG Program and Home Investment partnership Program and FFY2021 Spreadsheet Received Received 4-20-21
8. Holyoke Parks & Recreation - 1-28-21 Meeting Minutes Received Received 4-20-21
9. Whiting Street Reservoir Study Committee - 4-6-21 Meeting Minutes Received Received 4-20-21
10. Patricia C. Devine - letter regarding DPW Appointment Referred Public Service
11. Notice of Community Outreach Meeting on May 4, 2021 for Rise Holdings, Inc at 100 Water St Received Received 4-20-21
12. Petition of Frank Ferrini, for a renewal of a second hand license at 375 Whitney Ave Adopted Adopted 4-20-21
13. Petition of Holyoke 420, LLC d/b/a Holyoke Cannabis an application for a modification to existing special permit to include marijuana delivery at 380 Dwight St. Unit No 3 Referred Ordinance
14. Petition of Mimi Mai. for a renewal of a second hand license at 324 Appleton St Tabled Denied 5-4-21
15. Petition of Kindred Healthcare for a special permit for special regulations (7.1.1.) Hospital Height, to permit the construction of a 4 story Behavioral Health Hospital in RO Zone at 45 Lower Westfield Rd Referred DGR 6-14-21 Approved Adopted 6-15-21
16. Petition for a new Junk Dealer's License for Luis Nieves at 2 Harrison Ave Referred Finance 5-10-21 Approved Adopted 5-18-21
Late File B. Notice of Community Outreach Meeting on May 3, 2021 for First City Provisions, Inc at 89 South St. Received Received 4-20-21
Late File C. Acting Mayor Todd McGee - letter appointing Brian G. Smith to serve as a member of the Retirement Board Referred Public Service 4-28-21 Approved Confirmed 5-4-21
Late File D. Acting Mayor Todd McGee - letter reappointing Lori Belanger to serve as the Chief Procurement Officer Referred Public Service 5-26-21 Complied with Confirmed 6-1-21
Late File E. Acting Mayor Todd McGee - letter appointing Patricia C. Devine to serve as a member of Commission for DPW Referred Public Service 4-28-21 Approved Confirmed 5-4-21
Late File F. Jenna Wellhoff - Legal draft to amend residency requirement for Personnel Director and Assistant Treasurer Tabled Adopted 4-26-21

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

17A. Petition of Massbiology Technology LLC - Cannabis Cultivation & Manufacturing Establishment at 6 Appleton St 17B. Petition of EMB Natural Ventures LLC - Marijuana Manufacturing Establishment (MME) at 140 Middle Water St  17C. An order for a at handicap sign in front of 251 Walnut St
17D. An order to remove a handicap sign in front of 32 Clinton Ave 17E. An order for a handicap sign in front of 6 Highland Ave. for Victor Goulding 17F. An order to allow medical marijuana deliveries by special permit
17G. An order to reduce buffer for marijuana manufacturing from 500 feet to 200 feet 17H. An order to revise special permit requirement for marijuana related uses 17I. An order to allow marijuana manufacturing and cultivation facilities to operate 24 hours
17J. An order to allow marijuana industry activities in DR zone by special permit 17K. An order to amend marijuana ordinances regarding deliveries 17L. An order to remove a handicap sign at 50 Walnut St
17M. Zone Change Application for Dennis Croteau at 83 Lower Westfield Rd to add parking for floral design and gardening courses 18A. Petition for a second hand license for FYE #725 at 50 Holyoke St 18B. An order to accept provisions of "FY2020 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT PROGRAM COVID-19 SUPPLEMENTAL (EMPG-S), $15,500, NO MATCH" grant
18C. An order accept provisions of "FY2021 DISTRICT LOCAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (DLTA), $22,500 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ONLY, 5% IN KIND MATCH" grant 18D. An order to accept provisions of "LOCAL RAPID RECOVERY PLANNING, $90,000 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ONLY, NO MATCH" grant 18E. An order to approve CPA grant of $10K for JFK Memorial
18F. An order to approve CPA grant of $130,677 for restoration of Fire Engine #9 18G. An order to approve CPA grant of $210K for Mayer Field 18H. An order to approve CPA grant of $40K for Pulaski Park Engineering Study
18I. An order to approve CPA grant of $60K for War Memorial Facade restoration 18J. An order to transfer $5,000 from PAY - SENIOR PLANNER to OVERTIME 18K. An order to transfer $16,455.94 from LONGEVITY, EAP/MED OFFICER, and IN SERVICE to SAFER GRANT FY2018
18L. An order to transfer $35,804.30 from CRUISER LEASE to CAPITAL OUTLAY - MOTOR VEHICLES 18M. An order for auditor to discuss & update on rules associated with the ARP Act  21A. Community Development - FY2021 CDBG Proposal Materials
21B. FFY2021 Spreadsheet Community Development Block Grant 22A. Final Investigative Report University of Amherst (Alex Morse Matter)  22B. Letter from City Solicitor, Crystal Barnes, regarding the procedure and requirements of a citizens petition
22C. Petition calling for resignation of Mayor Morse

New Orders


Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
24. LISI -- An order to invite schools officials to discuss student achievement metrics Referred Joint Committee of CC and SC 11-30-21 Complied with Complied with 12-7-21
25. MCGEE -- An order to issue a proclamation of appreciation to Commander Heribertoa Colon Jr his dedication to local veterans and his service as Commander of DAV Chapter 41 Adopted Adopted 4-20-21
26. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of FY2021 FIREFIGHTER SAFETY EQUIPMENT GRANT PROGRAM, $19,512.22, NO MATCH" grant Referred Finance 4-26-21 Approved Adopted 5-4-21
27. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of MASSDOT SHARED WINTER STREETS AND SPACES PROGRAM, $72,000, NO MATCH" grant Referred Finance 4-26-21 Approved Adopted 5-4-21
28. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of COVID-19 VACCINATION CAPACITY AND CONFIDENCE IN PRIORITY COMMUNITIES RESPONSE, $151,192, NO MATCH" grant Referred Finance 4-26-21 Approved Adopted 5-4-21
29. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,196.00 from SPECIAL COUNSEL to CITY SOLICITOR Tabled Tabled at special meeting 4-26-21
30. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,957.00 from SPECIAL COUNSEL to CITY SOLICITOR Tabled Tabled at special meeting 4-26-21
31. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $1,854.83 from FIREFIGHTER to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 4-20-21
32. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $10,924.93 from LIEUTENANT and PATROLMEN to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 4-20-21
33. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $100,000 from PATROLMEN to OVERTIME Referred Finance 4-26-21 Approved Adopted 5-4-21
34. TALLMAN -- An order Personnel and the Mayor facilitate a professional development day for department heads Adopted Adopted 4-20-21 Copied to Personnel and the Mayor
35. TALLMAN, MCGEE -- An order for DPW to clean up the graffiti at the Kennedy Park monument Adopted Adopted 4-20- Copied to DPW
36. VACON -- An order that the Acting Mayor choose one person listed in the March 14, 2020 letter nominating the following three people to fill the Preston Macy seat:
Preston Macy, Keith Davis, Odette Czaplicki
Received Received 4-20-21 Copied to the Mayor
37. VACON -- An order for the Mayor to correct appointments to the Republican member of the board of registrars Received Received 4-20-21 Copied to the Mayor
38. GREANEY, JR. -- An order to invite medical professionals to discuss impacts of marijuana usage Referred Public Safety 8-25-21 Tabled Copied to HMC and Baystate
39. GREANEY, JR. -- An order for DPW Superintendent to provide an inventory list of all DPW vehicles Referred Finance 5-10-21 Complied with Adopted 5-4-21 Copied to DPW
Late File A. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $1,000.00 from PAY-LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTOR to PAY-OVERTIME Referred Finance 4-26-21 Approved Adopted 5-4-21
Late File G. HERNANDEZ -- An order for a handicap sign in front of 63 Taylor St. Referred Ordinance 5-25-21 Approved Adopted 6-1-21


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