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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

City Council Orders April 6, 2021

Communications & Petitions

Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
8. Mayor Alex B. Morse - letter regarding services & equipment for Spanish translation of City Council meetings Received Received 4-6-21
9. Mayor Alex B. Morse - letter reappointing Ms. Miriam Panitch to serve as a Commissioner of the Planning Board Referred Public Service 10-4-21 Tabled 2-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to Withdraw 2-15-22
10. Mayor Alex B. Morse - letter reappointing Mr. Morris M. Partee to serve as a member of the Board of Appeals Referred Public Service 10-4-21 Tabled 2-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to Withdraw 2-15-22
11. Mayor Alex B. Morse - letter reappointing Mr. Jeffrey A. Trask to serve as the Emergency Management Director Referred Public Service 10-4-21 Tabled 2-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to Withdraw 2-15-22
12. Mayor Alex Morse - letter appointing Bellamy Schmidt to serve as Withdrawn Withdrawn 4-6-21 Item was a repeat from previous agenda
13. Crystal Barnes Acting City Solicitor - letter of resignation Received Received 4-6-21
14. City Clerk & Admin Asst - City Council Minutes 3-2-21, 3-16-21, and 3-30-21 Received Received 4-6-21
15. FFY2021 Spreadsheet Community Development Block Grant Referred DGR 4-14-21 Adopted 4-20-21
16. Michael P, McManus, DPW Superintendent - letter regarding American Rescue Plan Referred Finance 4-26-21 Referred to Public Service 4-28-21 Tabled
17. Dupere Law Offices - legal Opinion on Retroactive payment to an employee working in an acting position Received Received 4-6-21
18. Board of Fire Commission - 2-18-21 Meeting Minutes Received Received 4-6-21
19. Whiting Reservoir Study Committee - 3-16-21 Meeting Minutes Received Received 4-6-21
20. Community Outreach Public Notice for 306 Race Street Referred Ordinance
21. Holyoke Water Works - commitment for competitive water rates Referred Finance
22. Tighe and Bond - Whiting Street Reservoir Dam Improvements Referred DGR
23. Nicholas J. Scobbo, Jr. - Notice of filing and request for Comments: Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric company- DPU-21-29 Received Received 4-6-21 Referred to all councilors
24. Final Investigative Report University of Amherst (Alex Morse Matter) Referred Charter & Rules 4-12-21 Complied with Complied with 4-20-21
25. Citizens of Holyoke email regarding 11 Yale St Referred Public Service 5-26-21 Tabled
26. Petition for Speed hump at Argyle Ave Referred Ordinance a. 6-22-21
b. 2-28-23
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
27. Petition of Green Valley Analytics LLC for a Marijuana Testing Facility at 306 Race St Referred Ordinance 5-25-21 Adopted, with conditions Adopted 6-1-21
28. Petition for a second hand license for FYE #725 at 50 Holyoke St Referred Finance 4-15-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21
29. Petition of Tai Woong Kang for a renewal of a Second hand license at 311 High St Adopted Adopted 4-6-21
30. Petition of Brad Matthews Jewelers for a renewal of a Second hand license at 2225 Northampton St Adopted Adopted 4-6-21
31. Petition of Ivory Billiard Lounge for a renewal for 19 Pool Tables and 1 Billiard Table at 151 Chestnut St Adopted Adopted 4-6-21
32. Petition of William F. Sullivan & Co. Inc. for a renewal of a Junk Dealers License at 107 Appleton St Adopted Adopted 4-6-21
33. Petition of William F. Sullivan & Co. Inc. renewal of Junk Dealers license at 1-3 Jed Days Landing Adopted Adopted 4-6-21
Late File A. Petition for resident-only parking at 45-52 Canal St Referred Ordinance 2-22-22
Late File C. Mayor Reichelt - Response to DGR Committee on request to share portion of conservation restriction funds Received Received 4-6-21
Late File D. DGR Committee - Letter to Mayor Reichelt requesting portion of conservation restriction funds Received Received 4-6-21
Late File E. Damian Cote - Email explaining non-conforming use of 50 Upland Rd Referred DGR
Late File F. Kip Foley - Email regarding concerns with 11 Yale St Referred Public Service 5-26-21 Tabled
Late File G. Acting Mayor McGee - Appointment of Marc Hickey to serve as Republican member of Boar of Registrar of Voters Referred Public Service 2-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to Withdraw 2-15-22
Late File H. Acting Mayor McGee - Appointment of Dorothea MacNeil to serve as Republican member of Boar of Registrar of Voters Referred Public Service 5-26-21 Complied with Confirmed 6-1-21
Late File I. Acting Mayor McGee - Appointment of Ray Drewnowski to serve as Democratic member of Boar of Registrar of Voters Referred Public Service 5-26-21 Complied with Confirmed 6-1-21

Committee Reports

Clicking on reports will link back to original filing of orders (back to 1-1-21)

34A. An order for school officials to discuss top 100 salaries, raises, metrics for raises and salaries. 34B. An order for Receiver to discuss concerns and plans to address students falling behind grade level  34C. An order for the Mayor, schools officials, and the city finance team to discuss MSBA process and funding for middle school project
34D. An order to amend Compensation schedule for elected officials 34E. An order to amend Classification and Compensations Plans to adopt salary study 34F. An order to approve salary study completed in 2015
34G. An order to review residency requirements of city personnel 34H. An order to remove Holyoke ordinance corresponding to M.G.L. chapter 85, Section 17A 34I. An order to create penalty for drivers handing anything out from car window
35A. Letter from Cinder McNerney - Peck School project general fund debt modelcalculations for ARPA funds 35B. Purchasing - School Department rebid procedure for Owners Project Manager 35C. An order to accept provisions of "CULTURAL FACILITIES FUND CAPITAL GRANT, $110,000 WITH $110,000 CERTIFIED MATCHING FUNDS, COMPLETION DATE 3/1/2022" grant
35D. An order to accept provisions of "FY2021 STUDENT & SENIOR AWARENESS OF FIRE EDUCATION (S.A.F.E.), $9,260, NO MATCH" grant 36A. A resolution filed on behalf of the League of Women Voters in opposition to Palmer Biomass Power Plant 36B. An order for DPW to report on the city council chamber back room area
36C. An order for DPW and/or ROCA to coordinate cleanup behind Fitzpatrick Ice Rink 36D. An order for a DPW communication providing updates on road work including paving, patching, and striping 38A. DCR Notice of intent to acquire a conservation restriction on parcels of land at Bear Hole
38B. Petition of Anthony Dominguez - non-conforming structures, other than single and two family structures for 50 Upland Rd 38C. An order to declare 60 Hamilton Street as surplus property available for disposition 38D. An order to accept Gregory M. Virgilio offer for purchase of 416 Appleton Street for $6,000
38E. An order that in accordance with the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority’s urban renewal plan, city council approve a transfer of 55 Hamilton St to the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority for consideration of $1.00 38F. An order that in accordance with the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority’s urban renewal plan, city council approve a transfer of 60 Hamilton St to the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority for consideration of $1.00 38G. An order to invite Jim Welch in to discuss Providence Behavioral Health Hospital
38H. An order to discuss progress of the Whiting Reservoir Study Committee

New Orders


Title Initial Status Committee CMTE Date 1 CMTE Date 1 Status CMTE Date 2 CMTE Date 2 Status Final Status
41. GREANEY, JR. -- An order for DPW to fill potholes along Northampton St. from Lynch School to Franciscan Monastery Adopted Adopted 4-6-21 Copied to DPW
42. GREANEY, JR. -- An order for City Engineer and DPW to quickly place speed limit & thickly settled signs on Mountain Rd. Adopted Adopted 4-6-21 Copied to DPW, City Engineer
43. HERNANDEZ, MCGEE -- An order to invite city solicitor & personnel director for executive session to discuss emails regarding DPW Received Received 4-6-21 Executive Session pending
44. HERNANDEZ -- An order for a at handicap sign in front of 251 Walnut St Referred Ordinance 4-13-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21 Copied to Disabilities Commission
45. MCGEE -- An order for legal department to update on the Yale Street project Referred Public Service 5-26-21 Tabled 3-9-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 3-15-22
46. MCGEE -- A resolution that Holyoke City Council endorses the plan to apply to MSBA to build one middle school Adopted Adopted 4-6-21
47. MCGEE, MURPHY, TALLMAN -- A resolution in opposition to state incentives for biomass plants and to construction of biomass plant in East Springfield. Referred Public Safety 5-12-21 Approved Adopted 5-18-21
48. MCGEE -- An order for auditor to discuss & update on rules associated with the ARP Act Referred Finance a. 4-15-21
b. 5-10-21
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 5-27-21
b. 6-7-21
a. Tabled
b. Complied with
Complied with 6-15-21
49. MCGIVERIN -- An order to remove Enterprise Fund status of the Waste Water Treatment Plant Referred Ordinance a. 4-27-21
b. 5-11-21
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
a. 6-29-21
b. 2-22-22
a. Tabled
b. Leave to withdraw
Leave to withdraw 3-1-22
50. MCGIVERIN -- An order to issue a proclamation of appreciation to Charlie Lotspeich for service at the Holyoke Heritage State Park Adopted Adopted 4-6-21 Copied to Admin Asst
51. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $4,327.92 from FIREFIGHTER to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 4-6-21
52. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $10,447.19 from LIEUTENANT and PATROLMEN to INJURED ON DUTY Adopted Adopted 4-6-21
53. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $35,804.30 from CRUISER LEASE to CAPITAL OUTLAY - MOTOR VEHICLES Referred Finance 4-15-21 Returned to Auditor Returned to Auditor 4-20-21
54. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $16,455.94 from LONGEVITY, EAP/MED OFFICER, and IN SERVICE to SAFER GRANT FY2018 Referred Finance 4-15-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21
55. MCGIVERIN -- An order to accept provisions of "FY2020 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT PROGRAM COVID-19 SUPPLEMENTAL (EMPG-S), $15,500, NO MATCH" grant Referred Finance 4-15-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21
56. MURPHY -- An order for Receiver to discuss the potential benefits of providing cursive writing instruction in some of the early grades. Referred Joint Committee of CC and SC 11-30-21 Complied with Complied with 12-7-21
57. MURPHY -- An order to consider adopting a wage theft ordinance for all contractors doing projects for the city or receiving special tax incentives by the city Referred Ordinance a. 5-25-21
b. 6-22-21
c. 9-23-21
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
c. Tabled
a. 11-9-21
b. 11-23-21
c. 12-14-21
a. Tabled
b. Tabled
c. Approved
City Council referred back to Ordinance Committee 1-18-22
58. MURPHY -- An order to amend city charter allowing city council to fill a mayoral vacancy by selecting any councilor by majority vote if president cannot assume role of acting mayor Referred Charter & Rules a. 4-13-21
b. 2-23-22
a. Tabled, referred to legal
b. Tabled
a. 4-12-22
b. 6-14-22
a. Tabled, referred to legal
B. Tabled, referred to legal
59. MURPHY -- An order for city solicitor, police chief, and state delegation to discuss penalties for bikers creating a danger for the public Referred Public Safety 5-12-21 Complied with Complied with 5-18-21
60. MURPHY -- An order for DPW to plan paving High Street from Jackson Street to Appleton Street Adopted Adopted 4-6-21 Copied to DPW
61. MURPHY -- An order for Holyoke Rows and Parks & Rec to develop a plan to allow more youth to participate in summer programming Referred Public Service 4-28-21 Complied with Complied with 5-4-21
62. MURPHY, SULLIVAN -- An order for Board of Health, police, and DPW to remove debris adjacent to the billboard on the southeast intersection of Commercial and Cabot Streets. Adopted Adopted 4-6-21 Copied to Public Safety Committeem DPW, Board of Health, and Holyoke Police Dept
63. MURPHY, SULLIVAN -- An order for Planning Board and City Solicitor to discuss potential zone changes related to facilities similar to 11 Yale Street Referred Ordinance 2-22-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 3-1-22
64. SULLIVAN, MCGEE -- An order for DPW to install glass displays at city hall in order to display historical items Adopted Adopted 4-6-21 Copied to DPW and Historical Commission
65. VACON -- An order for DPW to paint road lines marking the two lane left turn at Homestead and Lower Westfield Rd Adopted Adopted 4-6-21 Copied to DPW
66. VACON -- An order to pay acting mayor on a prorated basis if performing the duties part time Referred Ordinance 6-29-21 Tabled 2-22-22 Leave to withdraw Leave to withdraw 3-1-22
67. BARTLEY -- An order for DPW to install signage at Gilman and Clark Streets to alert motorists there is No Exit Adopted Adopted 4-6-21 Copied to DPW
68. BARTLEY -- An order for City Forester to update on request for tree remediation proximate to 54 Lawler St. and 219 Suffolk St Referred Public Safety 1-24-22 Tabled 2-16-22 Complied with Complied with 3-1-22 Copied to City Forester
Late File B. MCGIVERIN -- An order to transfer $5,000 from PAY - SENIOR PLANNER to OVERTIME Referred Finance 4-15-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21
Late File J. SULLIVAN -- An order to approve CPA grant of $210K for Mayer Field Referred Finance 4-15-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21
Late File K. SULLIVAN -- An order to approve CPA grant of $10K for JFK Memorial Referred Finance 4-15-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21
Late File L. SULLIVAN -- An order to approve CPA grant of $130,677 for restoration of Fire Engine #9 Referred Finance 4-15-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21
Late File M. SULLIVAN -- An order to approve CPA grant of $40K for Pulaski Park Engineering Study Referred Finance 4-15-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21
Late File N. SULLIVAN -- An order to approve CPA grant of $60K for War Memorial Facade restoration Referred Finance 4-15-21 Approved Adopted 4-20-21


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