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Category: City News

PROJECT UPDATE: High St. and Maple St. Reconstruction Project

Project Update – 10/3/24 High St and Maple St Reconstruction MassDOT Project No. 613320 Since the public engagement meetings in late February/early March 2024, the following work has been done by the consultants together with MassDOT in advancing the project: NOTE: Checkout presentation of preliminary public meetings –…/massdot-meeting…/download Completed Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) Stage … Continued

PROJECT UPDATE – Resurfacing and Related Work on Cabot Street and Race Street (Center City Connector)

Project Update – 10/3/24 Resurfacing And Related Work on Cabot Street And Race Street (Center City Connector) MassDOT Project No. 609065 Project Status The project is on the 2025 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) which means that construction will be fully funded with federal funding managed by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT).  Under this … Continued

Flag-Raising in Holyoke Friday will Mark Polish American Heritage Month

HOLYOKE — The Polish American flag will be raised over City Hall on Friday, October 4, at 11:30 a.m. as part of a ceremony celebrating Polish history, culture, and pride. Members of the Polish community will gather outside City Hall for the observance. Holyoke Mayor Joshua A. Garcia will read a proclamation designating October as … Continued

Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Workshop

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The City of Holyoke has experienced multiple natural hazard events over the last few years, from heavy rain and flooding to extreme heat events, and from wind storms to winter storms that may lead to power outages. These events serve as continuous reminders of the risks posed by natural disasters. The City … Continued

PUBLIC NOTICE: Holyoke Water Works

PUBLIC NOTICE: The Holyoke Water Works is providing notice to its customers of water service interruption that will include loss of water pressure and possible discoloration due to work performed on the public water system for the new Holyoke Soldiers Home located off Cherry Street.  The areas impacted from the work have been identified as … Continued

Invitación a formar parte del Comité Asesor de la Comunidad de Holyoke para la Transición al Control Local de las Escuelas Públicas de Holyoke:

En colaboración con el Departamento de Educación Primaria y Secundaria de Massachusetts (DESE), el Comité Escolar de HPS está desarrollando un plan para la transición de la administración estatal de nuevo al control local. El Comité Escolar planea construir sobre los logros del distrito y escuchar a las partes interesadas acerca de sus esperanzas y … Continued

Invitation to join the Community Advisory Committee for Transition to Local Control

In partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), the HPS School Committee is developing a plan to transition from state receivership back to local control. The School Committee plans to build on the district’s accomplishments and listen to stakeholders about their hopes and expectations for the future of HPS and what … Continued

Holyoke to Host Comprehensive Plan Listening Sessions this Fall

HOLYOKE — The City of Holyoke is charting a path for the next chapter in its history. For the first time since 1999, Holyoke is updating its Comprehensive Plan, a Commonwealth-mandated document under that requires Massachusetts cities and towns to maintain a plan for their long-term physical development. Through comprehensive plans, cities and towns envision aspirational … Continued

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