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Category: Mayor

Mayor, City Councilor to Submit Proposed Financial Policy Manual to Holyoke Council

HOLYOKE — In an effort to get the City’s financial departments on the same page — literally —  Mayor Joshua A. Garcia recently commissioned a Financial Policy Manual to address planning and day-to-day operations. The manual initiative aligns with frequently articulated Council wishes. The 99-page guidebook (click to review copy) created by the state’s Division … Continued

Mayor Garcia’s Statement on Accepting Migrants into Holyoke

HOLYOKE — As the state continues to channel refugees to Massachusetts municipalities in its capacity as a “Right to Shelter” state, Holyoke Mayor Joshua A. Garcia said the city will do its part if any of migrants settle in Holyoke. But he said the state will have to up its game in its support for … Continued

Mayor Garcia Addresses Care Center Graduates

HOLYOKE — Mayor Joshua A. Garcia on June 30 told the Holyoke Care Center’s graduating class that he was proud of them because “You haven’t allowed circumstances to hold you back. It took persistence and courage to get here.” The Care Center helps young mothers and low-income women go to college. The young mothers who participate … Continued


Holyoke ARPA funding recipients To be announced Friday at 1 p.m. HOLYOKE — Mayor Joshua A. Garcia and other city officials will hold a press conference Friday, June 16, at 1 p.m. at Holyoke Media to announce the recipients of the current round of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding distributions. The funding recipients and … Continued

Mayor’s State of the City Speech

On May 16, 2023, Mayor Garcia delivered to the City Council a State of the City presentation along with the proposed FY24 City Budget. The technical summary and the workbook documents of the City Budget can be found here: The following is the full text of the Mayor’s State of the City speech – … Continued

Mayor’s Proposed FY24 City Budget

The following is a snapshot overview of the FY24 proposed budget in detail (note: these are subject to change between now and June 30, 2023): FY24 Holyoke Consolidated Budget Workbook  FY24 Proposed Working Budget Detailed This budget is based on what we understand to be our revenue and expense projections and a fairly balanced understanding … Continued

Submitted ARPA Applications for Review

We are pleased to present the 2023 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) application materials. The City received over 80 applications requesting over $60 million in ARPA funds. At this time, the City estimates that $19 million will be made available in this round, so as you can tell, this will be an extremely competitive process. … Continued

ARPA Update – next steps

The City of Holyoke recently closed its latest round of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant applications.   The American Rescue Plan Act provided funding to municipalities to support their response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic public health emergency. More than 80 applications were submitted to the City of Holyoke for ARPA funding in … Continued

Standard and Poor’s (S&P) Affirms A+ Bond Rating for Holyoke, credits Holyoke’s strong budgetary performance

Citing Holyoke’s strong budgetary performance, liquidity and institutional framework as positive credit factors, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Ratings Services, a municipal credit rating agency, has affirmed its A+ underlying rating on the City’s long-term debt. “This is a significant financial achievement for the City of Holyoke,” Mayor Joshua A. Garcia said. “Not only because of … Continued

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