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Category: Finance

FY26 Budget Planning Process begins

The new budget preparation season is here! A memo to all departments with instructions for the FY26 budget planning process was distributed today. To review memo click here. While departments work on their first draft budget requests, just like in previous years, the Mayor will be connecting with City Councilors one-on-one to go over their objectives … Continued

FAQ: Special Election on January 28, 2025

FAQ: Special Election on January 28, 2025 On January 28, 2025, Holyoke voters will participate in a special election to decide whether the City Treasurer should continue to be an elected position or become a position appointed by the City Council. This document provides answers to common questions and explains the context and rationale behind … Continued

Shift factor determined, tax rate set

On Tuesday, December 17, the City Council voted on the shift factor that set the tax rate for residential and commercial properties. For the first time in years, favorable shifts were presented and concluded a significant reduction of tax rates for both residential and commercial properties. However, the average single-family home tax bill will still … Continued

MEMO From Mayor: City Council to vote on shift factor for tax rate

It’s that time of the year! The City Council will convene at a Special Meeting scheduled for Monday, December 16 at 7:00 pm to vote on a shift factor that will determine the tax rate for residential and commercial properties. Before deliberating  on how to balance the tax burden between these categories, I am introducing to the … Continued

Holyoke Mayor Garcia Seeks Resolution of $20.7 million Building Code Fines

HOLYOKE — Mayor Joshua A. Garcia has advice for property owners with outstanding fines for building code violation’s: Clear up or pay up. “Landlords, property managers, and homeowners of units of three families and higher should know that the City of Holyoke is preparing to turn over to the Tax Collector those property owners who … Continued

City Council approves FY25 Budget

On Tuesday, June 11, the City Council convened to review and vote on the Mayor’s proposed FY25 budget (click to review budget). Watch the full City Council meeting here. In this phase of the budget process, the City Council can cut but can not add to the budget. The council made $62,290 worth of cuts which includes: … Continued

Mayor’s Proposed FY25 City Budget

The following is a snapshot overview of the FY25 proposed budget in detail (note: these are subject to change between now and June 30, 2024): Consolidated Workbook of Proposed FY25 Budget FY25 Working Budget Detailed The proposed FY25 budget presented to the City Council is based on what we understand to be our revenue and expense … Continued

Downtown Facilities Parking Improvement

At the City of Holyoke in our downtown we have three parking garage facilities that require attention. These include: 1) Ernest Proulx Municipal Parking Facility located on Dwight Street; 2) Suffolk Street Municipal Parking located off of Suffolk Street, and 3) we have the parking deck directly behind City Hall. Price quotes to address the … Continued

Upcoming Anticipated Paving Schedule for 2024

Chapter 90 funds from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is the source of funding Cities and Towns use to improve and maintain publicly accepted roads. The order of roads to be improved have been identified through our City’s pavement management system that rates the conditions of roads, usage, and determines the order of priority for repair. … Continued

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