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Category: Boards and Commissions

Seeking candidates to fill vacant At-Large School Committee seat

HOLYOKE — Stating “this year has been particularly challenging for my family,” Erin Brunelle, vice chair of the Holyoke School Committee, submitted her resignation on May 15 to the Holyoke School Committee. Her resignation was effective immediately. Mayor Garcia expressed his gratitude and appreciation for Brunelle’s 10 years of service on the School Committee. “I … Continued

FY25 Budget Planning Process Has Begun

The new budget preparation season is here! A memo to all departments with instructions for the FY25 budget planning process were distributed. While departments work on their first draft budget requests, I have been meeting one-on-one with City Councilors to go over their objectives and priorities. Their input helps me identify what some of the shared … Continued

Mayor’s State of the City Speech

On May 16, 2023, Mayor Garcia delivered to the City Council a State of the City presentation along with the proposed FY24 City Budget. The technical summary and the workbook documents of the City Budget can be found here: The following is the full text of the Mayor’s State of the City speech – … Continued

Mayor’s Proposed FY24 City Budget

The following is a snapshot overview of the FY24 proposed budget in detail (note: these are subject to change between now and June 30, 2023): FY24 Holyoke Consolidated Budget Workbook  FY24 Proposed Working Budget Detailed This budget is based on what we understand to be our revenue and expense projections and a fairly balanced understanding … Continued

ARPA Update – next steps

The City of Holyoke recently closed its latest round of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant applications.   The American Rescue Plan Act provided funding to municipalities to support their response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic public health emergency. More than 80 applications were submitted to the City of Holyoke for ARPA funding in … Continued

2023 ARPA Application Packet

The 2023 City of Holyoke ARPA Application portal is now open. The link below is where you can find the packet. Note that the actual application must be completed on GoogleForms and that applicants must submit hard copies of materials to the Office for Community Development. The links to all application materials are contained within … Continued

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