March 10, 2025 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The City of Holyoke has experienced multiple natural hazard events over the last few years, from heavy rain and flooding to extreme heat events, and from windstorms to winter storms that may lead to power outages. These events serve as continuous reminders of the risks posed by natural … Continued
The new budget preparation season is here! A memo to all departments with instructions for the FY26 budget planning process was distributed today. To review memo click here. While departments work on their first draft budget requests, just like in previous years, the Mayor will be connecting with City Councilors one-on-one to go over their objectives … Continued
En colaboración con el Departamento de Educación Primaria y Secundaria de Massachusetts (DESE), el Comité Escolar de HPS está desarrollando un plan para la transición de la administración estatal de nuevo al control local. El Comité Escolar planea construir sobre los logros del distrito y escuchar a las partes interesadas acerca de sus esperanzas y … Continued
In partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), the HPS School Committee is developing a plan to transition from state receivership back to local control. The School Committee plans to build on the district’s accomplishments and listen to stakeholders about their hopes and expectations for the future of HPS and what … Continued
La ciudad de Holyoke está trazando el camino para el próximo capítulo de su historia. Por primera vez desde 1999, está actualizando su Plan Integral, un documento exigido por la Commonwealth bajo MGL Ch 41 Sec. 81D que requiere que las ciudades y pueblos de Massachusetts mantengan un plan para su desarrollo físico a largo … Continued
HOLYOKE — The City of Holyoke is charting a path for the next chapter in its history. For the first time since 1999, Holyoke is updating its Comprehensive Plan, a Commonwealth-mandated document under that requires Massachusetts cities and towns to maintain a plan for their long-term physical development. Through comprehensive plans, cities and towns envision aspirational … Continued
HOLYOKE — The City of Holyoke invites interested residents of Ward 1 and Ward 4 to apply for interim appointment to the Ward 1 and Ward 4 School Committee seats. The two elected School Committee representatives for those wards have resigned from the board. Gustavo Romero of Ward 1, noted in his resignation letter to … Continued
HOLYOKE – The City’s Board of Public Works on Monday, July 29, voted 2-1 to ask Mayor Joshua A. Garcia to invite proposals from companies interested in taking charge of Holyoke’s wastewater treatment services. The existing 20-year contract expires September 29, 2025. The City has never switched contractors since its initial contract with Aquarion Water … Continued
On Tuesday, June 11, the City Council convened to review and vote on the Mayor’s proposed FY25 budget (click to review budget). Watch the full City Council meeting here. In this phase of the budget process, the City Council can cut but can not add to the budget. The council made $62,290 worth of cuts which includes: … Continued