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Electrical Inspector Office Hours

Michael Bullough, Chief Inspector of Wires

413-322-5600 ext. 2

7:30-8:30AM and 12:30-1:30PM Monday through Friday

Electrical Permit Applications

Click here to apply for a HGE Utility Authorization Number

Want to apply for Electrical Permit?

Here are the options;

  1. Apply and pay online city squared
  2. Apply in person at our office. You may download an application from the appropriate section on the left, print it, or provide it on a thumb drive in PDF format. Bring a check or cash for payment
  3. Email the application to You will have to mail in or drop off a payment.

In any case all paper is scanned and uploaded into an online permitting system. From there on all communications, inspections, and final paperwork is processed digitally. All correspondence is through email.

*Please note that applications that are submitted by mail will take a full week to reach our office due to delays outside our control. At about 7 days we will have them processed into our system and the status can be checked online as noted below.

Residential-Fee Schedule

Electric, new construction single family $120.00
Electric, new construction two family $200.00
Electric, renovations, additions $60.00 per unit
Pool, above and in-ground $50.00 above $75.00 in
Solar $200.00
Low voltage and security systems $50.00
Permits requiring one inspection $50.00

Commercial-Fee Schedule

New construction and additions $80 plus .09 cents per square foot
Alterations and Repairs $80 plus .07 cents per square foot
Permits Requiring One Inspection $80.00
Solar $400.00
Low voltage and security systems/Fire alarm $50.00 per story or $80 minimum
Blanket permit $300.00

Mass General law 143L Paragraph 4
​No person shall install for hire any electrical wiring or fixtures subject to this section without first or within five days after commencing the work giving notice to the inspector of wires appointed pursuant to the provisions of section thirty-two of chapter one hundred and sixty-six. Said notice shall be given by mailing or delivering a permit application form prepared by the board, to said inspector. Any person failing to give such notice shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars. This section shall be enforced by the inspector of wires within his jurisdiction and the state examiners of electricians.

Links related to the Massachusetts State Electrical Code and related can be found here



  • For electrical only individuals or Companies licensed to perform such work in Massachusetts can apply for those permits.
  • A Commonwealth of Massachusetts Application with signature must be submitted, and after review, a permit will be granted.
  • Workers’ Compensation affidavit must be included.
  • Copies of worker's compensation and liability insurance (if applicable) must be submitted with each application.
  • The electrician must schedule the rough and finish inspection with the inspector directly.
  • Rough work shall be inspected before closing
  • All forms are in PDF and require PDF Reader.
  • Submit application forms in paper and all other documents (plans, specs, etc.) in PDF format on a thumb drive along with proper payment per the fee schedule.
  • Applications must be filed with the applicable fee before a review can begin
  • Checks should be made out to the City of Holyoke.
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