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Attention Holyoke residents, the current parking ban will conclude on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6am. Please be advised that starting at 8:00am on Monday, February 17, 2025, a reverse parking ban will be enforced, prohibiting parking on the EVEN side of the street and on cul-de-sacs until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Atención residentes de Holyoke, la actual prohibición de estacionamiento concluirá el lunes 17 de febrero de 2025, a las 6am. Les informamos que a partir de las 8am del 17 de febrero, comenzará una prohibición de estacionamiento inversa, prohibiendo estacionarse en el lado PAR de la calle y en las calles sin salida hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su cooperación.

2023 Grant History for City Departments

Grant Name Department Date received by City Council
Date approved by City Council
Grant completion form
FY2022 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT, $37,248, NO MATCH Police Department 1-3-23 2-7-23
STUDENT AWARENESS OF FIRE EDUCATION & SENIOR SAFE, 7,958.00, NO MATCH grant Fire Department 1-17-23 2-7-23
FY23 FIREFIGHTER SAFETY EQUIPMENT, $24,978.00, NO MATCH grant Fire Department 1-17-23 2-7-23 Grant Completion Form
ADVANCING CLIMATE RESILIENCE AND HEALTH THROUGH URBAN FORESTRY, $13,500, NO MATCH grant Conservation and Sustainability 1-17-23 2-7-23 Grant Completion Form
STATE HISTORICAL RECORDS ADVISORY BOARD (SHRAB) FY2023 VETERAN’S HERITAGE GRANT, $26,238, 50% MATCH $13,238, $3K CASH & IN KIND grant Veterans Services 2-7-23 2-21-23
FY2023 SENATOR CHARLES E. SHANNON, JR., COMMUNITY SAFETY INITIATIVE (SHANNON CSI), $566,355.26, NO MATCH grant Police Department 2-7-23 2-21-23
FY2023 STATE 911 DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY MEDICAL DISPATCH GRANT PROGRAM, $18,375, NO MATCH grant Police Department 2-21-23 3-7-23
FY23 REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (REDO) PROJECT - "The ARTery Project", $28,500, NO MATCH grant Planning & Economic Development 4-4-23 4-18-23 Grant Completion Form

ARTery Project Grant statistics

Mass Dept of Agricultural Resources Local Food Policy Grant Program Holyoke Food Economy Coalition $8,000 No Match grant Planning & Economic Development 5-16-23 6-6-23
2023 Recycling Dividends Program, $7,700 no match grant Public Works 6-6-23 6-20-23
2023 Transportation Planning Grant, $82,300 no match grant Public Works 6-6-23 6-20-23
Sewage Notification Assistance $64,039 no match grant Public Works 6-6-23 6-20-23
Sewage Notification Assistance $64,039 no match grant Planning & Economic Development 6-6-23 6-20-23
FY24 Greening the Gateway Cities Program Partnership Grant Award $30,000 no match grant Conservation and Sustainability 6-6-23 6-20-23
FY23 Municipal Energy Technical Assistant Grant Program $15,000 no match grant Conservation and Sustainability 6-6-23 6-20-23
FY24 Greening the Gateway Cities Program Partnership Grant Award $100,000 no match grant Conservation and Sustainability 6-6-23 6-20-23
FFY19 Project Safe Neighborhoods $20,069 no match grant Police Department 6-20-23
FY2024 Support & Incentive $306,443 no match grant Police Department 6-20-23
FY2024 State 911 Department Emergency Medical Dispatch $24,500 no match grant Police Department 6-20-23
Arson Watch Reward Program $1,000 no match grant Fire Department 6-20-23 6-20-23
PVPC FY24 CT River Cleanup Funding $210,000 no match grant Public Works 6-20-23
FFY20 Project Safe Neighborhoods $87,392 no match grant Police Department 8-1-23 8-1-23
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency FFY2022 EMPG $20,150 in kind match $20,000 grant Emergency Management 8-1-23 8-1-23
2023 Car Seat Distribution Program Non Monetary grant Fire Department 9-5-23
FY24 EEA Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program $192,900 25% in kind match grant Conservation 9-5-23
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