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Mayor Joshua A. Garcia


Holyoke City Hall
Room 1
Monday - Friday:
8:30am to 4:30pm

Office of the Mayor

The Mayor is the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of the City and is elected for a four-year term. Joshua was elected as Mayor of Holyoke on November 2, 2021. Under the direction of the Mayor, city staff work directly with constituents, business owners, community organizations, and leaders in an effort to mitigate liability and adequately address constituent concerns, organize and promote community activities and events, and oversee city projects that improve the quality-of-life. The Mayor is also responsible for day-to-day management and oversight of city affairs responsible for safeguarding public funds, protecting local assets, and ensure compliance of policies, local ordinances, and sate and federal laws.


Joshua A. Garcia, an MPA graduate of Westfield State University and a 2015 BusinessWest Forty Under 40 recipient, is a practicing Public Administrator with a focus on community development, public management, and good governance. From his professional capacity beginning at the Holyoke Housing Authority as its Property Manager, to becoming a Project Manager in the Community Development Section of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC), then Town Administrator at the Town of Blandford, to now Mayor of his hometown of Holyoke, Josh is dedicated to improving the qualify-of-life for all residents. As the PVPC Municipal Services Manager, Joshua's key responsibility was to identify opportunities for municipal service efficiency and economy-of-scale by maximizing on recent state program policies and resources that encourages and incentives municipalities to pursue collaboration, partnerships, and shared service opportunities. He had been responsible for coordinating the Commonwealth's District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) program within the 43 PVPC membership municipalities of the Hampden and Hampshire region, and provided support for the Governor's Community Compact Cabinet Initiative by working with municipalities to prioritize 'best practice' efforts to advance local government priorities. Joshua has transferred these skills to leading a small town of 1,250+ residents as Town Administrator, and now leading an urban gateway city of 38,000+ residents as Mayor.

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